Who plans the Buckeye Leadership Workshop?
The Trustees of BLW (aka the BLW Committee), are a group of approximately 20 volunteers who plan the annual Buckeye Leadership Workshop and maintain the physical resources of BLW.
They also are the primary instructors for the sessions during workshop. Additionally, the committee will invite special guest presenters who have unique skills which compliment the planned sessions. Guest presenters, the Resource Center Manager, and Staff Nurse are ad hoc, non-voting members of the BLW committee.
Members of the committee come together a minimum of three times per year to plan all phases of the workshop. Each committee member contributes many hours to ensure the high quality of sessions and activities for which BLW is known.
Think Together group
The Permanent Commitee
There are five to six members of the Permanent Committee. These appointed positions serve as the “institutional memory” of BLW. The permanent committee members provide long-term consistency. These members serve for life or until they decide to resign. Click here to meet the permanent committee members.
Adult Members
There are nine adult members who each serve a three-year term on the committee. The Adult members of the Committee are divided into three "classes.” One or two additional adult members are elected each year to serve a one-year term on the committee. Thus each year, 4 adult members are elected by popular vote (3 for 3-year terms, and 1 or 2 for a 1-year term). All participants of each years’ workshop are the voting body. Click here to meet the adult committee members.
Young Adult Members
There are three or four young adult members who each serve a one-year term on the committee. The young adult members range in age from 16 to 25 years, and are typically high school students or post high school or college students. Their input is critical in maintaining a dynamic and adaptable workshop environment. Like the adult members, these young adult members are elected by popular vote of the participants at the workshop. Click here to meet the young adult committee members.
4-H Representative
Because of the long-standing relationship between 4-H and BLW, and our close association with The Ohio State University, there is an Ohio State 4-H Representative who serves on an indefinite and voluntary basis. This individual is appointed by the BLW trustees and serves until they resign or are no longer affiliated with 4-H. Click here to meet the 4-H Representative.
Each year at the spring planning meeting, a slate of officers is nominated and elected by the committee. These officers serve one-year terms, and oversee the functions of the committee throughout the year. The officers for the 2023 workshop are:
Christy Leeds, President
Tim Borton, Vice President
Dave Kalkbrenner, Registrar / Treasurer
Amber Grundy, Secretary
Song Circle
Interested in SErving on the committee?
Each year during the workshop, we elect 8 members to committee. In order to be elected, an individual must submit an application, go through an orientation with a current committee member, be nominated, and then be elected by popular vote. Any attendee may nominate and/or second another member’s nomination. Any participant at the workshop is eligible to be nominated to serve on the committee in the correct category (adult or young adult). While attending BLW, we ask you to consider who you believe might make a good committee member and suggest they run for a committee position.
There are a number of expectations for a committee member. We emphasize that this is not an "honorary" position. Being a member of the committee is time consuming! The primary expectations are but not limited to:
Attend all three planning retreats
Teach or assist in at least one session during the workshop
Serve on at least three sub-committees
Be involved in the planning and execution of at least one evening program
Lead or assist in a Think Together Group
Attend daily staff meetings while at the workshop
Adhere to and enforce workshop rules and expectations
There are three planning retreats during the year. The first is a one-day post-workshop meeting held in April, one Friday evening through Saturday evening mid-fall retreat (typically in November), and one Friday evening through Sunday afternoon winter retreat (typically in January). Attendance at all planning meetings and retreats is mandatory for all members of the committee. Each member of committee is vital to the success of the workshop! Typically, we estimate that over 100 hours of work, both at retreats, and during the year, is the norm for each committee member. A small fee is assessed to each committee member to offset the cost of food and lodging during the retreats. The venues for the retreats vary from year-to-year.